Business Consultancy

What We Do

The Right Hand (Sales & Marketing) Ltd was set up with the specific objective of becoming a focal point for business in and between the uk/Europe and Middle East, North Africa, Turkey and China.

We bring workable solutions!!!


The UK and international business worlds are a growing market place in which to trade, especially in the light of the UK leaving the EU. To survive and grow, companies must think creatively but with the focus on opportunities that will grow bottom line profit in the medium to long term.

We can help your company to evaluate and take advantage of the opportunities that are available.

Personal contact, together with local knowledge and influence, supported by an extensive contact base, comprises the fundamental structure of our organization.

We help through our network of Associates, selected companies, both UK based and overseas with an alternative method of developing this market that can help:

  • Create a low risk, high potential reward strategy
  • Reduce, dramatically, the upfront costs of establishing and developing the market, including licensing and representation
  • Increase turnover and profitability
  • Generate quality introductions to influential decision makers
  • Identify, where appropriate, Tender Opportunities that are developing

What Are You Looking to Achieve?

  • The establishment of Manufacturing, Production, Distribution or a business base in a Tax-Free Zone?
  • Create or expand an export market via First Class Agents or Distributors?
  • Participate in Tenders?
  • Licence or Franchise proven Intellectual Property/Business Opportunities
  • Something else?
    Please feel free to discuss with us, in confidence.